

Social dominance mediates behavioral adaptation to chronic stress in a sex-specific manner

View the Project on GitHub StoyoKaramihalev/CMS_Dominance


This repository holds the analyses and figures for the following manuscript:

“Social dominance mediates behavioral adaptation to chronic stress in a sex-specific manner”

Authors: Stoyo Karamihalev†, Elena Brivio†, Cornelia Flachskamm, Rainer Stoffel, Mathias V. Schmidt, and Alon Chen

†Equal contribution authors

The revised manuscript is available online through the journal eLife.

An earlier version of the manuscript is available on bioRxiv.

Analyses and Figures

The analyses and figures from this manuscript are available as in html form with embedded code here. The datasets used are saved as a single RData file (to be loaded in R via the ‘readRDS’ function) in the repository under /data/obj.Rds. We will also gladly provide spreadsheets for any specific parts of the dataset upon request.

Additional Sources

For additional details on the “Social Box” paradigm, see: